Welcome to

Ivy Direct Primary Care

Your affordable solution to Direct, Personal, Dedicated, Compassionate Healthcare

What is Direct Primary Care?

Direct Primary Care is a growing model of affordable, membership based healthcare, that puts you, the patient, first.


Ivy Direct Primary care is dedicated to provide you with accessible, affordable, and compassionate healthcare.

At Ivy Direct Primary Care as a member you will get:

Personalized appointments

You will be part of a small panel of patients as opposed to being part of a 2000+ panel of patients seen in conventional care. You will get personalized appointments and a direct relationship with your doctor. You ARE the priority!


Extended appointment time

You will get 30 or 60 minute appointments, with little or no wait times in the waiting room. You will not have to sit in the waiting room for an hour, just to be rushed through your appointment in 10 minutes.


Direct Access


Full Price Transparency

In the primary care model you get direct access to your doctor via e-mail, text or call


In the primary Care model you pay an affordable monthly membership and you will know upfront all your additional lab/imaging/procedure costs so you will not receive any surprise bills